We’re rolling into a new month, and you know what that feels like:
High levels of motivation, endless possibilities, new goals…
But.. will they stick?
How often do you find your determination and energy at unprecedented levels during the first few days of the month, and all of a sudden… it’s the 30th, you’ve slipped on your goals, and motivation is nowhere to be found.
"Ah, well, there’s always next month, you say".
It doesn’t have to be an endless cycle. What’s one goal you’ve had for a length of time, that you haven’t quite accomplished? Is it to get in shape? Eat healthier? Finish that book you’ve been meaning to get around to?
Maybe you just got lazy.. or too busy.. or maybe life “just got in the way.”
But, what if I told you that you’ve been going about maintaining your goals and motivation all wrong.
Here’s a habit energy hack to get your mental game soaring, to power up your life.
Let me lay this out for you…
Rather than saying, "I want to run a 5k this month", ask yourself, why do you want to run a 5k this month? "Well, I want to push myself physically". Ok, well why do you want to push yourself physically? "Because I want to know what greatness my body is capable of". Why do you want to know what greatness your body is capable of? "Because I want to know I am strong and unstoppable".
Strong and unstoppable. Now THAT is motivation; THAT is the goal. The deeper you drive the inquiry, the greater your motivation will entice you to actually stick to, and achieve your desire.
Continue to ask yourself the “why” until you reach an answer that feels significant.
Don’t just set goals without getting at the core and knowing exactly why you want to accomplish that particular goal.
Start the month off right! Give it a try, and get at the “why.”