How The Scan Works.
If you’ve read through our website, you already know that humans aren’t just chemicals that randomly know how to join forces and produce functioning bodies. They require a blueprint to pull off this miracle.
In physics, what we normally think of as “empty space” contains universal fields that store information. Which is a real, measurable thing in physics. This information is what guides everything – from atoms to cells to planets and people – about how to come together and function the way they should.
When it comes to people, we simply call this blueprint the Human Body-Field. It guides the flow of energy in the body and acts as an instantaneous communication system for the body to work as a single, harmonic unit. As long as the body-field is in good shape, the body should be energized and functioning as well as possible.
But if the field becomes distorted or blocked – as it can be by heavy metals and other toxins; pathogens (like viruses, molds, and bacteria); or emotional stress and traumas – the body itself can start to break down.
This is why true, holistic living (and healing) has 3 parts to it:

Eating well to provide the nutrients, or building blocks, for information and energy to work with.

Constantly recharging your body through proper hydration, grounding, sunlight, exercise, and other healthy habits.

Ensuring that your body-field is optimized to make the best possible use of the energy and nutrients you provide it.
Our holistic approach addresses all three of these. We provide guidance and a variety of powerful support resources on the first two. And with NES' proprietary wellness scan and Infoceuticals, we’re able to assess and improve the state of your body-field, supporting your body’s incredible ability to heal and thrive.