What is the human body-field?

Albert Einstein was right when he proposed in 1905 his most famous formula in physics E=mc2. Essentially saying that matter and energy are intimately related. Frontier science proves that there is a regulating field of energy and information that operates in the physical body at the sub-cellular level, we call the human body-field, which serves […]

What are bioenergetic remedies (Infoceuticals) and how do I take them?

NES Infoceuticals are a unique line of liquid bioenergetic remedies (‘information medicine’) based on more than thirty (30) years of NES’ proprietary and extensive mapping of the human body-field. The Infoceuticals’ success lies in perfectly matching to a specific organ, system, or sub-system of the body. Colloidal minerals (Magnesium, Potassium, and Himalayan Crystal salts) in […]

What is the NES Scanner device?

The NES Mobile scanner device looks like a computer mouse and is connected either via its supplied USB cable with a computer’s USB port or via Bluetooth with a smartphone (Android/iPhone) and is used together with the respective NES application software to perform a body-field scan. The scan uses a proprietary process (space resonance matching […]

What is the miHealth device?

The NES miHealth is a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for rejuvenating the body’s energy and restoring proper energy flow throughout the body. It clears blockages, releases trigger points, and reduces stress in muscles, nerves, organs, and other areas of the body. As stress is released, energy can flow properly, and […]

How does your bioenergetic therapy work?

Our bioenergetic healing approach is designed to read, communicate with, and stimulate a change in the human body-field (body’s “information software”), which regulates the energy and information fields of the body (“energy-hardware”), by clearing blockages and distortions that correlate to physical and emotional stress and trauma, as well as environmental and chemical toxins, thereby restoring […]

What Total Wellness Plan should I choose if I’m unsure what I need?

We recommend starting with an Initial Total Wellness Session so you can experience the complete bioenergetic approach, and then switch to a 6- or 12-months subscription-based Total Wellness Plan for your regular follow up Total Wellness Session appointments. The subscription-based Total Wellness Plans let you enjoy additional benefits and provide cost-effective coverage for regularly restoring […]

Can or should I continue to use my current over-the-counter and/or prescription medications and supplements?

Our therapies and bioenergetic remedies (NES Infoceuticals) are informational and energetic in nature rather than pharmacological, homeopathic, or herbal, therefore they can be used safely and conveniently with any foods or nutritional supplements, and used in conjunction with other health programs, medications and therapies. Our clinical experience shows that many clients are able to reduce […]

If I am generally healthy, will your bioenergetic approach be helpful to me?

Our bioenergetic approach is also very beneficial for those who are generally healthy. For you, our focus revolves around enhancing and optimizing your well-being, preventing future health problems (preventive care) and facilitating transformations allowing you to live your life to the fullest potential possible. Achieving and maintaining health and well-being is a lifelong journey and […]

Are there any negative side effects with your bioenergetic therapy?

NES Infoceuticals, NES miHealth and all our frequency and scalar wave/energy-based therapy elements are safe, effective, and easy-to-use. They are informational in nature, rather than pharmacological, homeopathic, or herbal, therefore, they don’t have side effects. They are pure information, working energetically at the body’s sub-cellular level to help restore the body to its proper functioning. […]

How many follow-ups do I need for your therapy?

It depends on your specific health and wellness situation and a variety of things including, but not limited to, the condition to be addressed, your health and wellness goals, your overall general health, your willingness to make modifications to your habits as well as your comfort with and readiness for change. Some conditions and individuals […]

Who can benefit from your bioenergetic therapeutic approach? What conditions can the therapy address?

As explained in the FAQ about the comparison between bioenergetic approach vs. conventional medicine and further illuminated in the FAQ about the human body-field: The bioenergetic approach considers disease as distortions in the human body-field that correlate to the symptoms of illness. Consequently, bioenergetic practitioners do not focus on a specific illness or disease label, […]

Will my diabetes or heart disease be reversed?

Clinical experience shows that diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues can be dramatically improved, if not reversed, with our bioenergetic therapy in combination with the appropriate diet and lifestyle changes. Of course, there are no guarantees and success depends on the severity of your illness in conjunction with your following the therapeutic recommendations and […]

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