Are you the laboratory?

No, Juneva Health is not the laboratory. We, like other qualified professionals, provide laboratory services for labs that do not sell directly to the public. Accutrace Laboratories, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Analytical Research Laboratories, Inc. and is their federally licensed laboratory that performs the actual mineral assay of the hair samples. Accutrace […]

How do I collect a hair sample?

Collecting your hair sample is simple. Your kit includes a “hair scale” to ensure you collect the right amount. You will collect your hair sample from the top and back of the head (draw an imaginary line across your head from the top of the ears to the nape of the neck). This provides a […]

Can I use hair other than scalp hair?

When using hair for a nutritional/toxic element analysis, we prefer scalp hair because it provides the most accurate metabolic record. Scalp hair is one of the most metabolically active tissues and grows at a more consistent rate than axillary hair (underarm), pubic hair, or other body hair. In situations where there is insufficient scalp hair […]

How do I prepare my hair for an analysis?

Make sure your hair has been washed, preferably with a mild soap or with shampoo, at least 4 hours (but no longer than 24 hours) before cutting the sample. So, you would wash your hair and wait 4 to 24 hours before sampling it. Avoid using conditioners or rinses for best results. Do not place […]

How much hair is required for a hair analysis?

You will have enough hair when the 1.5-inch (or shorter) cut hair samples will fill an ordinary tablespoon. However, your hair analysis kit includes a “hair scale” so you can make certain you are submitting the proper amount of hair sample. For more details, see How to Cut a Hair Sample for Analysis. Be sure […]

How can a hair analysis help me achieve better health?

Blood tests and urine tests obviously provide important information about a person’s biochemical status, but they only evaluate the fluids in the body. However, the vast majority of biochemical functions actually take place inside the cells themselves. Of course, we can’t conveniently take snips out of the various organs of a person’s body in order […]

Are the laboratory results accurate?

Mineral levels and ratios as determined by Analytical Research Labs for each individual are measured against an ‘ideal’ standard of health, rather than an ‘average’ standard as used by other laboratories. This renders their results more sensitive and meaningful to those people who aspire to optimum levels of health. The lab works with precise mineral […]

Can I cut my own hair sample?

Yes. You can either cut your own hair sample, have a friend or hairdresser cut it, or you can come to our clinic, and we can cut the sample for you. If you are cutting your own sample, it may be easiest to take it from the sides so that you can see in a […]

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