Spring Into Wellness: “Bloom and Heal” With These 5 Infoceuticals

Spring Into Wellness - bloom and grow with these 5 NES Infoceuticals.

Traditionally, spring has always been a time of rebirth and renewal - nearly all religious and spiritual traditions celebrate the transition from winter darkness and the "death" of the old to spring's period of opening, blossoming and growth of the new.

Energy medicine naturally aligns with living "seasonally," which means we honor the cyclical rhythm of what nature can teach us.

As you may be thinking about your own renewal and healing this time of the year, we can support you with our Spring Into Wellness Infoceutical Set.

It can help assist with the body's detox functions to enable both physical and emotional renewal. We included the following Infoceuticals:

Polarity (PL): As it's difficult for the human body-field to correct distortions and make beneficial changes unless the Polarity field is normalized, we include this powerful Infoceutical, which helps to protect and align the body-field to support change and transformation.

Energy: As a master energizing Infoceutical, Energy prepares the body-field to maximize energy levels. It also helps to relieve the fatigue associated with detoxification and healing reactions. For both emotional and physical transformation, Energy allows energy to be raised and utilized properly.

Heart Imprinter Driver (ED-2): While winter is about internalization, spring is about expression. ED-2 can assist in helping you radiate out your intentions for change - whether physical or emotional - and bring the confidence to express the self clearly. It is about sending a message, communicating, and transmitting wants, needs, and desires to the universe, the self, and others. For those that feel they aren't allowed to ask for what they want, ED-2 is useful to help foster clear expression and direct energy toward what is desired, as the old falls away to make room for the new.

Heart Driver (ED-6): Research into the human body-field suggests the heart field matches with emotions. ED-6 equates in the creative cycle to the emotional reason and motivation for making a journey and the emotional experiences gained from that journey. This Infoceutical enables clarity about your goals and the emotional balance to channel your energy toward the manifestation of your desires. It encourages inward reflection for the purposes of outer, or external, alignment. It can inspire memories and feelings that have to do with a person's reason for being and living.

Chill Star (ES-8): As you start to resolve problems of an external or internal nature, Chill can assist in creating the openness to continue the "work" and the mental calm required to process emotional overload. As the changes in seasonal weather patterns can create mental friction, Chill can also assist in relieving insomnia and inducing relaxation.

How to Use the Spring Into Wellness Set

Since the Spring Into Wellness Set includes only Feel Good Infoceuticals, it can be taken by all our clients seeking assistance with their body's detox functions to enable both physical and emotional renewal.

Of course, these Feel Good Infoceuticals are only part of a range of Infoceuticals that help restore and maintain your overall health and well-being, and by working with your practitioner and having regular body-field scan assessments of your overall body’s health and wellness situation can lead to the best outcomes.

Taking The Infoceuticals

Generally, you can take these Infoceuticals once a day in doses of 9 or 15 drops, starting with Polarity and continuing in the order listed above. Take each Infoceutical in 4 - 6 ounces of water, at least 2 minutes apart. You should experiment with the dosages that meet your needs. You can use these Feel Good Infoceuticals alone or discuss with your practitioner how they can be integrated with your therapy protocol that was provided to you.

You can purchase the Spring Into Wellness Infoceutical Set in our online shop.

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Body-Field Scan

Ready to find out what's impacting your health and well-being by using our bioenergetic scanning technology. Check out your body’s energy and information distortions with a Body-Field scan, and gain deeper insight into your holographic self with our certified Bioenergetic Practitioner. For an in-clinic visit click here, or, for a Telehealth (remote) session click here.


  • Wolfgang Scheinhart

    Founder and visionary behind Juneva Health with a personal drive and passion to help clients around the world to better manage and restore optimal health throughout their body in the most natural and supportive way. He takes a personal approach to health care, getting to know clients and connecting on an emotional level to fully understand their individual health situation. Wolfgang strongly believes that people should be in charge of their own health and wants to bring this new 'information (bioenergetic) medicine' system to wider public awareness. He's a certified bioenergetic and homeopathic practitioner who graduated from the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy and holds an engineering and business degree.

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